I would like to welcome all new and returning students to Three Hierarchs Academy. I’m entering my third year as principal and am both encouraged and humbled to see growth that our students, staff, and school programshave made.
We are focused on fostering critical thinking, creativity, empathy, and resilience. We remain steadfast to teach these and other aspects to glorify our Orthodox Christian faith in all academic strands. Our teachers are committed to providing a secure learning environment and experiences to enrich our students and propel them to be the best version of themselves.
Thank you to all our supporters and volunteers for making significant improvements on our campus and within our programs. We pray that the 2024-2025 school year will be a time of great growth in learning and in faith for the students, staff, and families of Three Hierarchs Academy.
Our board, staff, and school teams have been hard at work all summer to ensure that we have a great start to the school year. New book and learning resources have been purchased this summer, including a new junior mathematics series and a wide array of instructional materials and manipulatives. This summer was highlighted with the installation of a new natural grass athletic field. Instructional planning is ongoing in order to provide an enriched and rigorous learning experience for students. Our catechism team has been assisting the school with Orthodox unit planning and resources that will further highlight our commitment at keeping the Orthodox Christian faith central in all we do.
The Academy is a beautiful place that the youth of this community can cultivate a deep friendship with their neighbours. Saint Gregory tells us that he was separated from his close friend Saint Basil at one point due totheir studies. He went to one place and St. Basil to another, but St. Gregory was overjoyed for they were reunited in Athens. Gregory interpreted this reconnection as part of divine providence and a gift from God, “We were united again as if by plan, for God so arranged it.” I believe our community is continuing to grow and thrive for the same reason! This does not come without challenges and temptations, but we need to be hopeful, supportive, and prayerful as we all work together for a better future.
As we begin this new school year, we pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, for His continued blessings on our school and community. Through the intercessions of our Most Blessed Theotokos and the Three Holy Hierarchs may we be strengthened and continue the blessed work of providing a pure and fun learning environment for all of our students.
Finally, I would like to call upon all members of the community and abroad to assist in donating to Three Hierarchs Academy. It’s only through the generosity of donors that we were able to install our new athletic field that students will enjoy for years to come. Please reach out to the school to provide your time or talents. We need your help to grow our blessed school in the Sonoran Desert.
Glory to God for all things!
Stamatis Apostolos
Principal, Three Hierarchs Academy
For information about the school schedule or program
please contact:
(520) 222 - 6358